
Publication list:

A list of Mobley lab publications can be found at Google Scholar. To reduce administrative burden, we don’t maintain a separate publication list.

Pre-publication resources:

We typically preprint all of our papers on chemRxiv or biorXiv, except when outside collaborations prohibit this, so consult those (and the Google Scholar link above) for preprints.

Talks, posters, and other resources (like code) are often available via Zenodo. Of particular interest see:

Data sets

Supporting files from publications

  • S. Liu and D. L. Mobley, “Is ring breaking feasible in relative binding free energy calculations?”, in J. Chem. Inf. Model. 55(4):727-735 (2015). Supporting trajectory files


  • G. J. Rocklin, D. L. Mobley, K. A. Dill, and P. H. Hünenberger, “Calculating the binding free energies of charged species based on explicit-solvent simulations employing lattice-sum methods: An accurate correction scheme for finite-size effects”, in J. Chem. Phys. 139(18):184103 (2013). (DOI). (A talk on the charge correction topic is available on YouTube; it was given to the Gilson and Shen groups by Gabe Rocklin).